Travel information

The closest international airport is Munich airport (MUC). From there, you can reach Regensburg by a direct train connection (in about 1.5 hours).

From Nürnberg airport (NUE) you can reach Regensburg in a little less than one hour (with long-distance IC or ICE trains) or a bit more than one hour (with regional trains).

Finally, you could consider flying in to Frankfurt airport (FRA), where many international flights arrive, but which is located quite a bit farther from Regensburg. From Frankfurt airport, you can reach Regensburg by train in about 3 hours by ICE trains.

Please note that tickets for regional trains are not valid in ICE, IC and EC trains. For the latter, you need special (and more expensive) tickets. The ticket vending machines show the available connections, and it's easiest if you buy a ticket for the exact connection you are going to use. See the local information page for more information on how to reach your hotel from Regensburg Main Station.

Traveling by train

To check train schedules and fares, see German Rail.

Hotel information

See the local information page for a map.

Hotel Münchner Hof

Hotel Münchner Hof
Tändlergasse 9,
93047 Regensburg